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About the Focus Craftership project

20 November 2023

Read more about how this multi-year project on documenting the intangible heritage of craftsmanship got started with 10 crafts and how it resulted in a toolbox.

'Focus Craftership' is dedicated to documenting, sharing and activating the intangible heritage of craftership in Flanders. We are developing a methodology and a toolbox for this, and with 10 crafts as pilot projects we are immediately testing and refining it in practice.

For this multi-year project (2021-2023) Bokrijk | Craftsmanship & Heritage as initiator, CAG, CEMPER, Histories, PARCUM, ETWIE, FARO and Workshop intangible heritage join forces with the support of the Flemish Government.

About the project

Craftership is very much alive in the hands, heads and hearts of craftspeople. But a conscious commitment to safeguarding this intangible heritage is becoming increasingly important. For what if crafts disappear? A craft or skill often builds on many years of learning, practice, skill formation and training. Today, there are so many ways in which passing on craftership can be threatened.

With the multi-year cooperation project Focus Craftership - initiated by Bokrijk| Craftsmanship & Heritage - we ensure that craft knowledge and skills are strengthened for the future.

Focus Craftership developed, at the initiative of Workshop intangible heritage, a basic methodology to document craftsmanship audiovisually. The result is the toolbox Focus Craftership: a guide for filming and safeguarding craftership and intangible heritage.

Together with partners from the heritage field and with heritage communities, we developed 10 test case studies: maritime heritage, crop selection, giant heritage, monastic crafts, hurdy-gurdy building, wattle and daub, wickerwork, Japanese woodcutting, cooperage and taxidermy. Each craftership was given its own trajectory, montage and audience.

On the website www.focusvakmanschap.be you can also discover each of these crafterships and their trajectories in sound and image.

Here you can get started yourself with the "Filming living heritage" toolbox.